CanadaSound owes a huge debt of gratitude to the following friends for their hard work and generosity towards the project.
About Friends of CanadaSound:
Nobody, but nobody worked harder to truffle the musicians than Shawn Haynes. His impact on this project has been immense!
Sounddogs helped us source rights-protected Canadian sounds based on our user’s submissions for our artists to use, free and clear, on their tracks. We owe them a huge thank you for their support and dedication to the project.
The Montreal Office is our go-to French agency on almost everything we do. They are exceptionally talented and always passionate. CanadaSound owes them a debt of gratitude.
Writing up contracts, website T&C’s and privacy policies is tough enough, let alone dealing with the intricacies of the music industry. They did it with excellence and a smile at every turn. We’re grateful for their help.
How do you illustrate CanadaSounds? Well Andrew did, and delivered beautiful 2 and 3D animation that helped bring our brand to life. You truly stepped up to the plate to deliver, thanks Andrew!
Chris Van Doorn | Photographer | [email protected]
We want to thank Chris for his fantastic photography. We couldn’t make this project what it is without talented people like him.